Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Passing of the Drum

The world responds to our sounds, and the beat of our drums spurs our hearts to connect with all that is.  Sharing the sound is as powerful as creating our original sound. 
Chad is next in line to live this this drum.  He will continue the magic.

Monday, October 8, 2012


These are some of the ways our family creates Digestive & Gut health 

Believe it or not, the laundry room and 'under-the-sink' places, have a lot to do with our family's health. 
 Notice what is missing? 
 This is ALL we use to clean, do laundry and make our home smell good!
These tell some of the story of how we combat health issues in our home
for the people (all ages) and
all of the pets
Then, we use some of these to add to our drinking water to boost our
immune systems, use some of them to shampoo, to shave, to create 'Litter-roma' (which also combats pet-health issues PLUS make the room smell good), use some to create a cleansing soaks to detox.....this is especially effective when seeking healthy skin and digestive system, too!

Health issues have a 'starting point' that might surprise you.  You can begin by looking
under your sink and in your laundry room.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Colorful time on the farm

Pelicans on the Lake -
 white mass in the distance. They
stay 'till late October

The driveway with
a path to the lake and the N woods -
In early fall shadows

Past the pond - home to cranes, kingfishers,
reptilians, herons, muskrats,
otter, many more.

Each season brings a new understanding of the land, and new views.  This is where I get to spend my 'life-time' of play, work, joy, inspirational moments, and share with family-friends.  These are some of my daily FALL views when I walk up to the farm in September early October.  I am grateful my business allows me to be here, every day, all day if I choose. 

Along side of the pasture

Driveway to the farm
 In Brilliant fall color - this walk is
1/2 mile

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Fluoride Debate Heats Up and Gets Media Attention

The Fluoride Debate Heats Up and Gets Media Attention

One of the central issues though is FREEDOM. Fluoride is not a nutrient. The fluoride put into drinking water is not a prescription drug, but an industrial waste product. However, it is put into the water as a "drug" to help oral health, and it is done without the consent of those receiving it. Even if you accepted the premise that it works systemically, there is no justification to force it on people under the premise of slightly lowering tooth decay as everyone has the option of using it topically as a toothpaste if they so choose.

How can anything unrecgonizable by the body, dangerous for the nervous system, and builds up in lipid fats possibly be good for teeth?  Teeth or our dental health, is related to nutrition, minerals, vitamins, digestive-gut health, and an intact natural immune system. 

check out more: articles.mercola.com/sites/articles via

Monday, September 17, 2012

Turtle Harmony

Look who I met on our driveway.  This little one is last year's hatchling, heading from the lake to the Pond....probably inspired to begin winter prep.  The pond is the winter-hidey-hole for many creatures.  I love the way the animal & plant kingdoms show me how to live in the moment and to appreciate that which is here, now.  So, it was my honor to assist the journey.....I carried this young one the final 100 yards to the Pond.  Next Spring, I may meet his/her Mom or Auntie, or Sister when they come up out of the pond to dig a hole and lay their 12-15 eggs in the FAVE SPOTS for the turtles.  Early Fall on the farm is colorful, gentle, fun, and precious.  How are you celebrating the seasonal changes?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our Chemical-lives ala 2012:  I love a new car, BUT.,......You know that "new-car smell"?  That's toxic chemicals:  We inhale, touch, hold, lean and sit-on toxic solvents, dyes, cleaners, leather preservatives, and plastics.  Not so good.  Then we get a synthetic fragrance trinket to hang in our car, MORE CHEMICALS.  YIKES!  Chemical-reduced living requires 3 things:  Awareness, supported by Options, manifested by Actions

These simple car diffusers are easy to make and work really well! Include a bottle of your favorite essential oil to make a great gift for anyone who loves to drive. 
* take note.  Not all essential oils are created equally.  Fragrance-grade oils (cheap ones) will ADD more chemicals to your 'life-in-a-car-time'.  Get therapeutic-grade in your wellness-plan so you improve your 'health-while-driving' Lifesytle.

Materials Needed:
  1. Battery Operated Diffuser Refill Pads: Available on our website for $1.00 (package of 5 pads). order at www.abundant-health4u.com
  2. Paper Clips: Regular wire paper clips that can be found at any office supply store or at any store that sells school or office supplies.
  3. Essential Oils: Choose your favorite oils or blends.
  4. Scissors or Small Die-Cut Dies and Punches: Small die-cut dies or paper punches work well for getting perfectly cut shapes quickly, but scissors also work for cutting out any desired shapes.
  5. Wire: Choose a wire that is fairly bendable. You can use the paper clips for this wire if you desire.
  6. Pliers: Used for bending the wire.
  7. Push Pin or Small Hole Punch: Used to punch a hole in the top of your diffuser.
  1. Use scissors, dies, or paper punches to cut small shapes from the Battery Operated Diffuser Pads.  
  2. Punch a small hole near the top of the shape you created with a push pin or small hole punch. 
  3. Create a small loop (about 1/4"–1/3" in diameter) out of the wire or a small piece of one of the paper clips. Be sure that the ends of the loop overlap slightly. Spread the ends of the loop apart slightly, and thread the shape onto the loop. Push the ends of the loop back together so the shape can't slide off.
  4. Thread the loop holding the shape onto a paper clip so that the loop is on the side of the paper clip that only has one curve.
  5. Place a few drops of your desired essential oil or oil blend onto the front side of the shape (start with 2-3 drops; then add more if you desire a stronger scent). Note: Do not over-saturate the pad, as this can allow the oils to drip or smear onto your car's interior. Certain oils such as cinnamon and some citrus oils can damage certain types of plastics and vinyls, so care should be taken to ensure these oils do not come in contact with the interior surfaces of the car. 
  6. Clip the paper clip attached to the shape onto the fins of one of the air vents inside your car. The shape should now be hanging away from the vent on the end of the paper clip. 
  7. As you drive, the air from the vent will blow around and through the pad, diffusing your oils throughout the car. If the scent starts to fade, recharge the pad with a few more drops of oil as desired. 
Extra Ideas
  1. Use two (or more) pads to create multi-level car diffusers like the one in the picture above. Use natural dies or markers to color your diffuser as desired. 
  2. Make a variety of small shapes, and string several of them onto a loop of wire for your own 'charm bracelet' or 'charm necklace' car diffuser. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Desperate Cat continue 2

So what's a mineral soak?  Well, besides food, it is my number one way of 'detoxing' an animal, any animal.  And, yes, cats learn to love soaking.
Soak #1 was Angeline's worst nightmare and I needed to do the ""mama says" hold.  By  soak #2, a soft hold was working.  We are on #4 and it is a piece of cake! 
Best of all, her DESPERATE state was reduced after Soak #1.  She was still in/out of the box with frequency, but urine production was greater....that's more normal.....not little constant dribbles.  And, the reddness, swollen tissues around vulva were looking better.  For her, that meant, less licking, less crying, less agitation.  Only a little tinge of blood in the urine.

Use of oils is ESSENTIAL to a detox soak.  I chose the ones that support organ function.  And, I always use oils to lend emotional balance and courage.  Message me for suggested list if you wish more details.  In this picture you can see the oils, along with the minerals, photonic light, and of course, Miss Angeline.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Essential Oils: Persistent Health Issues Were Not Going Away

Essential Oils: Persistent Health Issues Were Not Going Away  Get creative!  Aim for surprising and far-reaching benefits of Nature's Natural Resources and take away the risks of "side-effects" which ALWAYS accompany synthetic approaches.  Our bodies just cannot recognize the things created in laboratories.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

For a simple nutritious vegetable dip: blend one banana,
one avocado and one small clove of garlic until smooth. 

SIMPLE, HUH?  And if you invest in quality banana, avocado, you......

avoid the commercial-grade ingredients, preserving chemicals, food dyes, fructose sugars and other synthetic flavorings and ingredients. All of these "convenient foods" add to our health issues: lactose intolerance, digestive issues, storage of toxins and fats, false or "zeno" estrogens, headaches, skin problems, pain in joints....can you think of other health problems that plague so many?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Desperate Cat

"Miss Angeline", one of our house catin bladder distress!  Set up a mineral soak, select oils to support kidneys, bladder, urethra, and encourage healthy function.  Daily NingXia, Omega Blue, Standard Process, Suero Viv and LOVE, LOVE my Kitty-Raindrop recipe.  Day one, stress WAY-Down.  Tune in over next 4 days.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Grocery Store Tomatoes Taste Bland

Why Grocery Store Tomatoes Taste Bland
Just because it looks like a tomato in shape and color, or because it is 'on a vine' or in the tomato bin, it no longer means that it is a tomato.  And, there is now a entire generation that does not know what a 'real tomatoe' tastes like. 

But this is true for most of our 'grown' or 'produced' foods.....they no longer have the chemical structure, the enzymatic make-up of the real thing.  Why?  We Cannot Reproduce, Synthetically, a true plant.....something will be missing.

Isn't it exciting to see that there is a whole economic picture with people wanting natural foods?  Be creative in how you support the local farmer, or the roadside products stand, or the backyard gardener.  Why settle for the tomato that is no longer a tomato?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Detect Areas with Parasite Infection through Online Maps

Detect Areas with Parasite Infection through Online Maps
Maps help me get from one point to another.  This kind of map suggests that by looking at it I will be prepared to protect the animals in my care.  The Entrpre"natural" way is to think about boosting the immune system all year long so that no matter what nature brings, my animals are strong and able to ward-off, not attract and host pests.  Now, even I encounter the annoyances in nature....but I can turn that around in minutes to hours, not days.  Equipping our animals bodies means digestable nutrition, cleansing, and cellular support with natural resources.  I use a "kitty raindrop" on most animals, including the pigeons.  Spritzing their coats with essential oils means less 'junky bodies that attract pest'.  I am selective.  Things made in the lab compromise the natural body process and tend to weaken the immune system.  I favor "mineral detox soaks" to help animals cleanse all tissues, including organs.  Photonic light is another animal support approach I can use at home to boost their immunue system.  If the "host" (your animal) is not attractive to a pest, you are already acting in a pro-active way.  I also diffuse essential oils so that the environment in my home and barns says, pests not wanted.  We also provide lots of housing for the natural mosquito soldiers: bats, swallows, swifts, and fly worms.

Bottom Line:  Natural resistance starts on the inside.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

According to a recent study, researchers found people
who consistently engage in moderate exercise five times
a week improve their immune function and keep colds away