Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Grocery Store Tomatoes Taste Bland

Why Grocery Store Tomatoes Taste Bland
Just because it looks like a tomato in shape and color, or because it is 'on a vine' or in the tomato bin, it no longer means that it is a tomato.  And, there is now a entire generation that does not know what a 'real tomatoe' tastes like. 

But this is true for most of our 'grown' or 'produced' foods.....they no longer have the chemical structure, the enzymatic make-up of the real thing.  Why?  We Cannot Reproduce, Synthetically, a true plant.....something will be missing.

Isn't it exciting to see that there is a whole economic picture with people wanting natural foods?  Be creative in how you support the local farmer, or the roadside products stand, or the backyard gardener.  Why settle for the tomato that is no longer a tomato?

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