Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Desperate Cat continue 2

So what's a mineral soak?  Well, besides food, it is my number one way of 'detoxing' an animal, any animal.  And, yes, cats learn to love soaking.
Soak #1 was Angeline's worst nightmare and I needed to do the ""mama says" hold.  By  soak #2, a soft hold was working.  We are on #4 and it is a piece of cake! 
Best of all, her DESPERATE state was reduced after Soak #1.  She was still in/out of the box with frequency, but urine production was greater....that's more normal.....not little constant dribbles.  And, the reddness, swollen tissues around vulva were looking better.  For her, that meant, less licking, less crying, less agitation.  Only a little tinge of blood in the urine.

Use of oils is ESSENTIAL to a detox soak.  I chose the ones that support organ function.  And, I always use oils to lend emotional balance and courage.  Message me for suggested list if you wish more details.  In this picture you can see the oils, along with the minerals, photonic light, and of course, Miss Angeline.


  1. Hi --

    My cat is in a similar desperate situation. Can you please tell me what recipe to use? I have some Epsom salts, sea salt, and plenty of good YL oils.


    - Julie

    1. The minerals I use are a unique blend of calcium, potassium, magnesium infused in water. I order them from a source in MN.....I can help you with that. Think of minerals Way Beyond Epsom....get the picture? Then, add all the oils you want: I create individualized soaks for what ever "ails"...in this case, select therapeutic oils *(and you are using the only/best oils available to get results)to support immune and endocrine systems, support kidney, bladder, urinary tract; deal with infections, fungus, bacteria, and viral....I always bring in Elemi with cats. You gotta have a Desk Reference or Reference Guide....

      Want more details? Best to have a personal message exchange so I can walk you through your best steps. Fair enough?m
