Wednesday, December 16, 2015


You want me to WHAT?  That's what I was thinking the first time I heard 'CLEANSE'.  It sounded scary, complicated and over-my-head, or should I say over my colon.  I had no bench-mark except Ex-Lax as a college student, which meant you stayed close to a toilet, and for sure you NEVER talked about IT!

It never occurred to me that my headaches were related to my digestive tract, that the pain in my tissues and joints was connected to my liver, or that the quality of my skin was impacted by kidney function....what did I know about cleaning my liver, or kidney's, or digestive tract or anypart of my INSIDES!  Yikes, insides need to be cleaned, too.  It was time for my thinking to move out of the box, and that box was my brain held prisoner by fear.

I remember where I was, the year and what I was doing when I first "heard" about cleansing.  The beauty for me, is that I got to hear it morning, noon and night for 3  days, because I was at my first Science and Application Training Session, date was 2002, in Chicago, IL.  I was beginning a crucial phase in my wellness journey. and GOD was afoot.

Since then, I have cleansed many times, many ways for many reasons.

Cleansing Link 
This link needs to be played on internet explorer (IE).  If you open with Google Chrome, it will not play.  It takes a few minutes to load, so be patient, and It is worth it>>>>>science like you never learned in Biology or Anatomy.

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